Clean Energy

Clean energy comes from renewable energy sources or from energy saved through efficiency measures or energy recovery. Sources include wind and solar power, energy storage, high temperature heat pumps, the organic rankine cycle and hydrogen based fuel cells and electrolyzers. SWEP's BPHE technology utilized in these sources provide increased efficiency.
  • Energy Storage

    One of the biggest challenges around renewable energy generation is the issue of uncertainty around controlling the timing of electricity production. However, Energy Storage technology helps to balance supply and demand, thereby making supply more reliable. BPHE technology is an important component in being able to commercialize these applications and to provide efficient, compact and reliable heat transfer and precise temperature control. This primarily addresses the BES, TES, LAES, CAES and ETES technologies.
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  • Fuel Cells & Electrolyzers

    Fuel cells produce electricity that results from a wide variety of chemical reactions promoted by a chemical catalyst. The process generally causes a hydrogen-oxygen reaction that generates water as by-product. There are many types of such fuel cells, with operating temperatures ranging from 70 °C to 1000 °C.
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  • High temperature heat pumps

    High temperature heat pumps provide the ability to decarbonize industrial heat. Thermal energy accounts for more than 80% of the industrial energy demand in the EU, the majority of which results from process heating and space heating. The greatest potential for high temperature heat pumps is in the food, paper and chemical industries, particularly for processes such as drying, sterilization, evaporation and heat recovery. SWEP BPHE technology and our experience arising from the comfort and industrial sectors contributes unparalleled benefits to these systems.
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  • ORC

    Our long experience with large refrigeration systems and our passion for energy-efficient technology have led to our active involvement in the development of the Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) systems used to recover heat and generate electricity from waste heat. With us as your partner in ORC system applications, you can rely on our experience and calibrated calculation software, combined with a modular and flexible product portfolio. We offer the largest capacity range, with ports up to 6” and also great versatility.
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  • Solar Systems

    Solar heating is the most environmentally friendly way in which to heat water. It is frequently used as a stand-alone heat source, and as an add-on heat source for boilers, heat pumps and district heating systems. SWEP brazed plate heat exchangers (BPHEs) are a key component in many solar heating applications for harvesting solar energy into accumulator tanks, producing hot tap water, and heating pools. Bringing together high capacity in a compact format, efficient heat transfer and fast response, this combination of benefits make our BPHEs the ideal heat exchangers for solar thermal systems.
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  • Wind Power

    SWEP brazed plate heat exchangers (BPHEs) are a key component in windmill transmission and hydraulic systems, where the ability to integrate system components is an important part of the heat exchanger’s value proposition. By dimensioning the oil coolers with high precision for operation in a smart system, we achieve an optimal operating temperature while maximizing system efficiency. Our front-end technology and large product portfolio enable us to provide the most compact and energy-efficient solutions on the market.
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